Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th and Then Some

Wow. What a food-filled last few days. I hope everyone had a fun weekend!

Here are some pictures from this weekend and before:

Remember that Race Against Hate that had a cool swag bag? This is me and my sister Devin right after the race.
It was in our neighborhood, so we rode our bikes there!
Oh my. what do we have here? Oh, that's right! That would be my NEW TOTE BAG from finishing my first punch card for the YMCA contest!! One step closer to those free personal training sessions!!

The holiday weekend started with a picnic and fireworks with Anne-Marie and Colin (of Sandbagger fame). We headed away from the Taste of Chicago and downtown, and instead went north to Wilmette. It was so nice to just hang and stuff our faces.

Me and the Cheese.

Hmmm. Those look like brownies.....7-layer brownies.....I wonder who could have made them....IT WAS ME!!!! I did it! The Un-Domestic Non-Goddess!!!
Cheese cutting some turkey wraps. Clearly, he really likes turkey wraps.
Me and my uber-preggo besty, Anne-Marie.

It's parade time!! We went to the Edgebrook parade again this year - Edgebrook is the little neighborhood next to Sauganash (where I grew up). It's a really tiny parade, but the neighborhood reminds me of my own childhood, so I like going to it. And look - here we have the Mayor of Whoville, Baby Nolan. What sweetness!

Just waitin' on the fire engine - Ellen (and her huge baby bump), Mayor, and my sister-in-law (and also preggo!) Jenny. I LOVE this picture.

The Mayor taking his turn at the camera.

Devin and Patrick - they brought their children too - Chili and TJ.

All the beauties waiting on the start of the parade.

"I am sitting here like you asked, Mommy. Now where's the fire truck? And I thought you said something about candy. Am I gonna have to make a scene? Am I? Don't make me do it. And who are you texting? Your whole family is here with you. Are we not enough, Mommy? You better get off that phone or I swear I'll crap my pants ri --

"Wait, what's that dog doin' over there? He must really love that man. He sure is hugging his leg really hard."

And then it began. It start with a police car (exciting), then a fire truck (with a hose on top!! oh my goodness - the BEST!), and then a camel (wha-???), a zebra (huh?), and a bunch of people throwing candy!! I'd say that was worth the 9am wake-up call! Here is Nolan, with the start of his candy collection and his new fancy necklace bling......

And then at the conclusion - with his frisbee full of goodies....which Aunt Megan might have helped herself to later on....

Me and the Dev - At the beginning of the parade, I told Jenny that the people on the floats throw candy at you. And Jenny was like, "Really?" And I said, "Oh yeah - and I think we all know I'd step on a small child for a pack of Smarties."

Observe the Smarties.
And my shit-eatin' grin.
(disclaimer: no small children were actually harmed in the retrieving of my Smarties. My self-respect, however, may have been slightly damaged in my scramble off the curb for some Tootsie Rolls and Gobbstoppers.)


rUntoNamAste said...

Love Nolan's monologue. He is too adorable. Looks like you had a lovely 4th. Not to mention you look really puuuuuuurty :-)

P.s - What's in the water over there? Why is everyone preggers?

prin said...

Hey! They spelled your name wrong on the tote bag. Tsk. Don't they know your name is McCaw, not McGaw?

lol @ the Mayor's face in the pic after the texting one. :D I thought he just crapped his pants.

And weeeeird. Your "smarties" are our "rockets". I was all, "Those totes aren't smarties!" and then I zoomed in and for some odd reason, it says "smarties" on the rockets pack. Go figure.

Carolina John said...

looks like you had a great holiday!

Amy said...

I'm with prin. Smarties are chocolate and rockets are sugar pucks (which are my favourite at halloween and incidently were the favourite treat of the goats at the barn I rode at in university but I am off topic). Back on topic. Chocolate. What were the layers in the brownie? Do share!

Melissa said...

oh my gosh, looks like so much fun. I need to come and hang with you guys sometime. I love the picture of cheese and his turkey wraps. The stuff Nolan was thinking, too funny, and the picture of you with the smarties, priceless. oh yeah, I need to know what the 7 layers were and need the recipe for the brownies so I can make some for me, I mean, er, um for my "friend." Yeah that's it. I'm sure I can make a weight watcher's version, right? HAHA

jnfabs said...

happy birthday!!!!

Unknown said...

Could I be anymore preggo? Oh my gosh...and to think I'm just going to get bigger.