Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Beach, A Welcome and the Morning After

What a full day yesterday! I feel a bit bad, as my sister has been running around crazy trying to get things together, and I mostly spent the last two days at the beach. Hey, a Reverend's gotta do what a Reverend's gotta do!

Just chillin' at the ocean with Larry, Devin, Patrick, and Me!
Extreme close-up! There is also a version of this with my sister, but I figured I would spare you the full figure bikini shot - This is not THAT kind of website!

Me and the lovely bride-to-be at the Welcome dinner - All of the guests are from out of town, mostly Chicago, and there was no real "rehearsal" so it truly was a Welcome Dinner! Devin, in her all creative-self, used pineapples as center pieces, to symbolize the gift sailors used to bring to the island when they landed. You can't spit around here without hitting a pineapple! Who knew?!

Ah, me and Big Larry. We so didn't try to coordinate, he just wanted to copy me. You may also notice, as the pictures go on, that my hair starts to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger....

Patrick, Devin, my mom and Me. 'Nough said. Although funny story - my mom, she's known to like herself a glass or 12 or wine, so afterwards, we went to a bar, and my mom, who comes over later, sits down and starts talking to some random table, thinking it was us. No clue, none, that she didn't actually recognize the people, who were so nicely trying to enjoy their burgers. Oops! Three cheers for Chardonnay!

This is one of my good friends (ex-boyfriend) John and his wife, me and one of my best friends (also ex-boyfriend) Joe. Can you start to see a pattern with me and the exs....The only one missing from this photo op is Larry or else we'd have the trifecta of Megan's past!

Oh right - like you've NEVER woken up with an improvised diaper made of a towel and tape wrapped around you after a night partying....Sure, I believe ya....

Today is the wedding, my sister is off for a run with her friend, and the everyone scatters for tennis and golf. Me? More sun, or just chillin. After all, I'm on Island Time.

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