Friday, February 8, 2008

But How WIll This Affect My Beer Intake?

Just kidding - I don't drink, but who knows - maybe post IM, I might take it up as a new hobby.

The reason I ask this hypothetical question is because next week I will be tested to be a potential kidney donor for my brother. It looks like I am a good candidate, especially due to my lack of medical issues, healthy lifestyle, and matching blood type.

I spoke with the donor coordinator today, and it sounds like the procedure (should it happen) is fairly simple, especially these days. She said a whole bunch of technical medical stuff I didn't really understand, but mostly because I was listening for things like "how much pain" and "recovery time." I was like, "Yo, let's cut to the chase - what kind of pain meds we talking about here?"

Again, just kidding - I couldn't even stomach the Vicodin they gave me after my knee if you know anyone willing to take my stash off my hands...

My street cred is just disappearing by the word...

But seriously, we all know by now I am no fan of the pain. AT. ALL.

But I guess there's not a whole lot of pain. Sounds like there are four small incisions, minimal pain, and I will be out of the hospital in two days. The coordinator said I can't do anything really intensive for about three months post operation, and of course I immediatly think, "But what about my racing season?" and start counting the months from between April (when the surgery would be) and July (when my next race is).

Then I thought, "You are a selfish ass. Shut up."

The coordinator also said that my brother is holding up pretty well after his pancreas transplant a couple months ago, and that they would be willing to wait until after IM to do the transplant.

So hey, we all win.

Fingers crossed I am a match.

I'll let ya know what happens....


Andra Sue said...

Oh my gosh, Megan!!! Please keep us posted. What a brave and generous sister you are. :)

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I agree with Andra Sue! A prof I know at the University of Iowa donated his kidney to a student in his lab who had no matching family members - all you people are so brave!

The Big Cheese said...

Your brothers blood type is also sucrose?

prin said...

You're awesome.