Thursday, January 11, 2007


Rough day, my little lovelies. I feel just really wiped out, and only managed to get in my ride today, so I rescheded the swim for tomorrow (after my PT appointment during which he will review the food diary - oooohhh).

I have to say, though, that I appreciate the blogger community and the support they give, as well as the comfort I feel when I read that I may not be alone when I skip some workouts or have a funk-kind of day. There is something guilt-reducing about admitting momentary physical/mental weakness because it seems that I am not alone, and I totally dig that.

On that note, I am going to try to pull myself together, maybe shower to clean the day off. I will try to post about the day's icky happenings later, but forgive me if I don't get to it til tomorrow.

Love and big Hershey kisses (mmm, candy),


Anonymous said...

so while you have to show your food log to a doctor and hope he doesn't pass judgment I have ot eat in front of a room full of teachers who I hope will one day be my colleagues. I pack my little sandwhich with my bag of carrots and either a granola bar or a small bag of chips--where are the ju-ju hearts and M&Ms you ask. They are hiding in my kitchen afraid that my new found teacher's lounge friends and all their healthy lunches will talk behind my back when I slip away from the table early to go back and organize the classroom library or clean the file shelves. Do you think I should let them in on my secret? Maybe they'll remember me and the girls in the lounge that ate the worst food when it comes time to hire new teachers

M said...

Next on Jerry Srpinger: "Candy, and the ladies that love them - Is it wrong when it feels so right?" Embrace the shame, Dev, embrace it.